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Top 5 Questions to Ask at Your Annual Gynecological Exam

If you’re preparing for your next visit, here are the top five questions to ask at your annual gynecological exam:

1. How Often Should I Schedule an Appointment at Genesis OBGYN?

For most women, an annual gynecological exam at Genesis OBGYN is recommended to address your gynecological health. However, this might change depending on your age and your health.

2. What Screenings Do I Need?

Your annual gynecological exam may include screening for various health risks. For example, your provider may perform a pap test, which tests for pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. The screenings you need, and the frequency, will depend on your age and hereditary factors. Some screenings you may want to ask about include:

  • STI tests
  • Bone density tests
  • Fertility assessments
  • Mammography screenings

Your provider will be able to let you know which tests will be most beneficial to you.

3. How Can I Better Manage My Menstrual Cycle?

Everyone experiences different menstrual cycles. However, a lack of a period, frequently irregular periods, or severe cramps and pain can interrupt your day and be difficult to manage. In some cases, your provider may prescribe a birth control pill, patch, implant, or IUD to help manage these symptoms.

You can also manage your menstrual cycle with lifestyle changes, like gaining or losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise.

4. How Can I Better Manage My Menopausal Symptoms?

If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause or perimenopause, like hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness, talk to your provider about how you can best manage them. These symptoms can be frustrating to deal with, and your provider is knowledgeable when it comes to counteracting them.

There are many therapies and techniques available, starting with the basics:

  • Regular light exercise (no hot yoga)
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Avoiding hot liquids, caffeine, and alcohol

If you’ve already tried these simple lifestyle changes, talk to your provider during your annual exam to discuss other options.

5. Why Am I Experiencing Pelvic Pain?

If you experience chronic pelvic pain or have discomfort or pain during intercourse, let your provider know. Extreme pain and discomfort can indicate a broader issue, which your provider can help you diagnose and manage.

Often, improving pelvic pain is a matter of improving your overall pelvic floor health. Pelvic floor dysfunction is more common than you may think and can happen for many reasons, including injuries, hereditary conditions, or simple aging.

Annual Exams

It is important that you take time to schedule yearly exams with an OBGYN.

Under 21

We recommend establishing a relationship with your gynecologist at a young age, especially if you have questions about your first menstrual cycle and the changes in your body.

Ages 21-39

At your annual exam, you will be screened for breast and cervical cancer, which includes a pelvic exam, a breast exam, and an abdominal exam.

Ages 40+

As you get older and begin to experience perimenopause and menopause, an appointment with your gynecologist can help you better manage your symptoms. If you have questions about your gynecological health or need help addressing any symptoms or areas of concern, contact your Genesis OBGYN provider to make an appointment.

Schedule Your Annual Exam at Genesis OBGYN

Your annual gynecological exam is your time to have all your questions and concerns addressed by a women’s healthcare provider. Having questions ready can help you get the most out of your exam and support your overall health.

If it’s time to schedule your annual exam, you can contact Genesis OBGYN to schedule an appointment. We’re proud to serve women in Arizona and the surrounding areas.